Sector Mapping
We apply data science to unlock the most current information about Canada’s 200,000 + charities and non-profits.
Services Include:
Interactive Mapping by Province/Territory/Riding
Interactive Mapping by social Issue
Capital Flow Dashboard by social issue
Data Mobilization
We equip your organization with the information and tools necessary for evidence based planning and decision making.
Services Include:
Research & Insights
Data Analytics
Philanthropic Advice
Our specialized database assists foundations, Community Social Responsibilty (CSR) departments to optimize their giving.
Services Include:
Custom Reports on Causes of Interest
Specialized Dashboards
This National Arts Data Platform was built for Mass Culture - an arts support organization that enables the arts community to be strategic, focused and adaptive. The platform details the revenue received by every arts charity across Canada from all sources, over a four year period.
Funded by: Metcalf Foundation, Azrieli Foundation, Canada Council for the Arts, Canadian Heritage, ESDC, Ontario Trillium Foundation, City of Toronto
capitalW’s Charity Analytics Platform is a first time analytic platform of how Canada’s 85,000+ registered charities are capitalized. The platform enables revenue analysis by channel (federal, provincial and muncipal levels of government, earned and philanthropic revenue) and by province, territory and community.
-Alexa Briggs, Director of Policy & Research, Calgary Chamber of Voluntary Organizations
“The data that captialW was able to collect for our organization has allowed us to present the breadth and depth of the nonprofit sector as a whole in Alberta in a way that has never been done before. This data set is a launching pad for being able to demonstrate the strengths of the nonprofit sector, as well as areas that may be underserved.”